Mile 0 to 20 Lake Morena

It’s a surreal experience to have spent so much time planning for, researching, and dreaming about the Pacific Crest Trail, and then to take my first steps on it. This morning, my sister and her husband were kind enough to wake up at 3:30 AM and drive me from L.A. down to Campo, California, which is home to the southern terminus of the PCT. I am grateful to have such a supportive family, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t get choked up during the first 1/4 mile as I set off. Thanks sis and everyone!

I felt strong as I hiked through the brush with low rocky hills before me. The desert put on quite a show as I covered the first 10 miles with flowers blooming in what seemed to be every color of the rainbow. Beautiful pinks, yellows, purples and reds.
I climbed some gentle hills and passed 4 other thru-hikers on my way to Hauser Creek at mile 15, my planned campsite for the night.

About 2 miles out, I had an interesting encounter. “Crazy, crazy, your friends must tell you your crazy,” yelled a man as he came up the forest service road in his rusted out moped. His big beard, sun faded hat and manic manner made me think that perhaps he was the crazy one. I had just come out on the fire road and wasn’t sure of which way to head. “Walk 3/4 of a mile and hang a left.” “Thanks,” I said. “Hey you don’t need some pot do you?” Surprised, i responded I didn’t. “Alright, just checking,” he called as he drove off.

At the next bend, he was waiting and called “I forgot to ask you where you are from?” New York City. “NEW YORK CITY! I’m from 2 miles down this road,” and with that he was gone.

I got to Hauser Creek where there were a couple groups of hikers hanging out in the shade. I filtered some water and then took a seat. There was one husband and wife hiking with their 2 dogs. They have this cart that they pull behind them with all their gear and dog food. It sounded like they had had it rough covering only 10 miles by the middle of their 4th day. One of their dogs has been throwing up and they have decided to hike at night.

I decided to press on and climb the remaining 5 miles to Lake Morena. The climb was trying due to the heat of the day and I ended up taking quite a few breaks, including one 45 minute one to cool off in the shade. In the future I will take a siesta in the middle of the day and only hike in the morning and evening. The middle of the day is too hot. I believe it hit 80 degrees today.

Coming into Lake Morena, there was a sign for trail magic and I got my first taste! A chilly dog and root beer. It hit the spot. I set up camp, ate ramen, and took a shower. The is going to be a bonfire and more trail magic, but I am pretty exhausted so I may hit the sack early.

It still feels surreal to be hiking the PCT, but I am enjoying it so far.

Wildlife: Greater Roadrunner, Western Kingbird, White-breasted Nuthatch, honey toad, lizards, rabbits

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