Time for a Hike

Curated Trails & Gear

Day 117: A Reunion

Day 117: A Reunion

Bedazzled, Tramper, and I woke up at 5:30 in our improvised camp. We had only gotten 4.4 miles into the detour before we gave up on road walking. This morning, we got back on that road. Excited? We were not.

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Day 114: Leaving Ashland

Day 114: Leaving Ashland

Bedazzled’s and my stay in Ashland, Oregon turned out to be one of our best town stops yet. Besides being a funky college town that is known for its months long Shakespeare Festival, it was home to some of the friendliest and most helpful people we have met on trail.

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Day 111: On to Ashaland

Day 111: On to Ashaland

As we gazed at the night sky, just .2 miles over the border into Oregon, we saw two shooting stars. The Perseid Meteor Shower was going on, and we were lucky enough to be in an area with dark skies.

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